Sunday, July 5, 2009

New continent, new approach-- Introducing the Rewind

Well, time plods along and I find myself through the Middle East and onto Greece. And yet this blog has stalled. I've been able to get my journaling habits back to speed, but this additional (and more public) offshoot has been dead in the water.

I'm in Europe now, exploring the Greek islands at the outset of the last leg of my trip. More and more I feel overwhelmed about the amount there is to tell all of you while I'm traveling, and these past few weeks that's mean blogging paralysis, to be very honest. So, at the recommendation of a trusted reader, I am introducing another new feature on this blog-- REWIND. I intend to give you the brief highlights of each of the countries I've yet to share with you, and some choice pictures as well. I intend these features as a way to catch readers up and to give what I hope is a tantalizing taste of what will come once I finish my trip and find myself back in the states-- full-length, full-detail entries, great stories, lots of photos. In this way I'll be able to continue in present tense without feeling torn on both ends.


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